The best part about being a parent is that you have major connections to all the important people, you know the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and more importantly you and Santa Claus are as tight as his cozy; red suit. So tight in fact you have his cell phone number and direct line to the North Pole. It's a number that's generally given to parents when your kids turn 4; right about the time they really start to understand who the big guy is.

Every year, since my son turned 4, I've been checking in with Santa to confirm what list he was on each year. Now that he's 18 it's not really necessary, so, this year, I called to see if the city of Rockford was on the "Nice", or the dreaded "naughty" list and I'm sad to report that Rockford has landed in the 3rd spot on the top 8 towns in Illinois that are on Santa's Naughty list.

Santa says he was really hoping that Rockford would turn over a new leaf this year, but even after the success of Stroll on State and the 12 Bars of Christmas, Rockford still isn't quite in the Christmas spirit. He says we have just a little more work to go, but maybe next year the Forest City will finally be on the "Nice" list.

So who was naughtier than us?

1. Chicago
2. Champaign
3. Rockford
4. Springfield
5. Harvey
6. Centralia
7. Loves Park
"Loves Park has been ranked the drunkest city in Illinois. Hey a drink every once in a while is probably a good thing, but anything in excess is probably not a good idea."
8. Decatur

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